Friday, 12 July 2013

Track A - Shaping dissertation research in dance & music theatre

Shaping dissertation research in dance and music theatre: critical approaches and shifting methodologies, Lise Uytterhoeven, Dr. Francis Yeoh, Josephine Leask, Laura Robinson, Julia Gleich, Mark Harris, London Studio Centre

Five team members from London Studio Centre presented on a dissertation module which forms part of recently validated (Hons) Theatre Dance degree programme. They commented on a number of recent case studies in terms of the methodological challenges they pose.

The dissertation is viewed as integral to enabling students to demonstrate their graduate-ness in this programme of study, in terms of developing key graduate skills. These include organising the student’s own learning, researching and evaluating a range of information, communicating complex insights, independent working and problem solving.

The ground work to prepare students for the final year dissertation is embedded in their earlier modules through various activities - allowing the students to develop skills in areas such as, planning, translating, evaluating, editing and communicating.

Recent methodological shifts in the wider field of dance studies had encouraged students, in conjunction with their tutors, to develope tailor-made research methodologies. These methodologies however, have presented new challenges.

The points raised included: some recent developments in dance studies require insights from other disciplines such as theatre studies, cultural studies, psychology anatomy/physiology or sociology. There is a lack of well documented resources, especially in contemporary developments, which leads to some case studies not been successful.

It is hard to ensure that the research been undertaken is linked to a career path.

If you would like to see the full presentation please click here

Report by Betty Sinyinza 


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